Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Best Things In Life Are Free: Free Tickets for GSO Marketing Summit

As a Groupon groupie, Living Social addict, and lover of the discount, I am pleased to pass along a can't miss deal from BEM Interactive.  Nab a free ticket to the Marketing Summit for Today's World (to be held in Greensboro Thursday, April 14th, 9 - 5 p.m., at the Greensboro Coliseum Special Events Center) by going to http://www.marketingsummit2011.com/, clicking on register, entering the discount code "FREE", and completing the registration information.  The only catch...you have to print out the accompanying "ticket" featured above and bring it with you for free admission.  Otherwise, you'll have to pay the going rate -- $69 at the door.  What a deal!